NVivo qualitative data analysis software QSR International Pty Ltd. This action makes the moved nodes Child nodes and mentoring the Parent node. To do this, select the negative and positive experiences nodes and drag and drop them over the mentoring node.
NVivo qualitative data analysis software QSR International Pty Ltd. For example, you may have the following nodes relating to mentoring and want to create a hierarchy with mentoring as a higher-level concept. When working with nodes you can create hierarchies of nodes as you develop concepts. Open the node and select the reference to be uncoded.In the Select Project Items dialog box, tick the node/s you want to uncode from and Click OK.Open the file and select the reference to be uncoded.Where data is coded at multiple nodes, you can uncode data from one node without uncoding from the others. Sometimes you may need to uncode a reference from a file or a node – perhaps the coding was inappropriate, or you may have inadvertently coded the data to the wrong node.
Consider renaming or merging nodes instead.